AudioVisual Translators Europe is an association created to deal with matters related to the practice of the profession of audio-visual translation. Audio-visual translators work with subtitling (including subtitling for the deaf and hard-of-hearing,) dubbing, audio description for the blind and visually impaired, video game localization and other aspects of translating audio-visual information.

AVTE is independent of all ideological, political, governmental and religious bodies.

AVTE is a non-profit organization under French law (Association de Loi 1901).


Audio-Visual Translators Europe is based in Paris, France.


Audio-Visual Translators Europe will co-ordinate the activities of AVTE-affiliated member organisations. It will develop and promote common interests in the fields of social, economic, cultural and media policy, and fight for the common aims and objectives of AVTE:

2.1. The main aim of AVTE is to protect and strengthen the rights and working conditions of audio-visual translators;

2.2. To uphold and improve professionalism and to promote high standards of audio-visual translation and education;

2.3. To encourage and support member organisations in collective bargaining;

2.4. To promote co-operation between member organisations, and to support trade organisation development by means of the organisation of continental and regional groups;

2.5. To encourage the provision of professional and trade organisation education and training for audio-visual translators;

2.6. To establish and maintain close relations with relevant European, government and non-government organisations;

2.7. To fight for authors’ rights and European reimbursement systems;

2.8. To promote the cultural importance of audio-visual translation


3.1 AVTE members in Europe are entitled to be members of Audio-Visual Translators International (AVTI).

3.2 Members of AVTE are not individuals but unions, organisations and associations of audio-visual translators in Europe.


4.1 AVTE will draw up a working programme in line with AVTE policies and principles.

4.2 AVTE will elaborate its procecure to determine points not planned in the statutes.


5.1 The General Meeting (GM) as a rule will be held at least every second year. In addition to the General Meeting, an Annual Meeting shall be held each year in which no General Meeting is held.

The GM will be composed of one delegate from each member country. Each delegate has the right to vote. Each member organisation has the right to send observers. Observers from other organisations may be invited.

An extraordinary GM may be called at any time if half the members make such a demand in writing. At the GM there shall be no voting by proxy. The General Meeting is hosted by AVTE member organisations.

5.2 The working language of the GM is English.

5.3 Immediately following the GM, minutes will be written and sent to the member organizations and a copy will be made available in the online secretariat.

5.4 The GM shall:

a. elect a chair and a secretary for the GM.

b. confirm the agenda.

c. decide on the admission of urgent motions and table urgent points or motions to the agenda on with the approbal of at least two-thirds of the voting members present.

d. decide on motions for activities of AVTE.

e. decide on motions for changes of AVTE rules. These motions must be submitted to AVTE at least six weeks before the GM and must be sent to member organizations at least one month before the GM. To be adopted they must be

accepted with the approval of at least two-thirds of the voting delegates present.

f. decide on the establishment of expert groups.

g. decide on membership fees.

h. elect a President, a Vice-President and a Treasurer to serve a term of two years.


The AVTE president is the leading political representative of AVTE. He/She oversees the execution of AVTE’s rules and decisions. He/She represents the association.


The AVTE vice-president assists the president in his/her duties and substitutes for the president when he/she is not available.


8.1 AVTE Expert Groups work by mandate of AVTE and report to the AVTE network at least twice a year.

8.2 The Expert Groups report to the GM in English. The working language of the expert groups is chosen by the members of each group.


The activities of AVTE will be financed directly through the member organisations and other sources.


AVTE may be dissolved only by decision of a General Meeting called specifically for this purpose and with at least three quarters of the AVTE membership present. A vote on the dissolution of AVTE requires a majority of 75 % in favour among the voting delegates. Failing to assemble 75 % of the membership, voting may be done by mail.

Adopted in London, June 2011.